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If you would like to attend this outing with us on Saturday, August 24, please RSVP to Sis Johnson by Wednesday, July 24, in order to see how many tickets we'll need. Group tickets will be approximately $17.00. We need to know how many to anticipate joining us for tickets and transportation. Please let Sis Johnson know and to guarantee your seat. This is going to be an exciting and memorable day stepping back into Bible history. 

Here's a link to check it out:

Bible Museum

Si desea asistir a esta salida con nosotros el sábado 24 de agosto, confirme su asistencia a la hermana Johnson antes del miércoles 24 de julio para ver cuántas entradas necesitaremos. Las entradas para grupos costarán aproximadamente 17,00 $. Necesitamos saber cuántos anticipan unirse a nosotros para los billetes y el transporte. Por favor, hágaselo saber a la hermana Johnson y garantice su asiento. Este va a ser un día emocionante y memorable para volver a la historia de la Biblia.

Click the link above to check it out.